Christian Feminism Weekly with Ashley & Charlie: Charlie's Story

Today on Christian Feminism Weekly with Ashley and Charlie, Charlie shares her story. 

Charlie wasn't always a Christian Feminist. Listen in to find out about the book that changed her life and hold on tight as this girl really gets to preaching at the end!

"I could have just sat in my privilege because I wasn't being hurt. I wasn't being told I couldn't do something. My friends weren't being abused or rebuked but when I found out about the abuse when I found out about the oppression I  was sad. I was mad. I was hurt! ... Do you want to stay in your privilege for the rest of your life or do you want to take a stand for others, those who can't take a stand for themselves?"

Check back every Wednesday as we bring you a dose of Faith, Feminism, and Freedom. You can listen on either of our blogs each week at 9am Central and 10am Eastern. 

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-Ashley Easter