CFW: Domestic Violence, Gun Violence, and Sunday Sermons

Welcome back to Christian Feminism Weekly podcast!

This week we have a special interview with Jenna Barnett from Sojourners' Women and Girl's Campaign. We chat about gun violence, it's connection to domestic violence, and more!

"Definitely, I'm seeing the connection between domestic violence and gun violence, and I think many people are. A majority of mass shootings between 2009 and 2016 involved a domestic or family violence... When Time [Magazine] dove into that statistic they found that of the 46 mass shootings that took place entirely in the public eye since 2009, 33% of the shooters have a reported history of violence against women. With the Southerland Church shooting being the most recent and visible example of that.

There should be nothing about violence against women that is partisan. And if anyone tries to make you think, so that is a dirty political trick." -Jenna Barnett

Sojourners is also launching a new project called 100 Sermons where Jenna is collecting 100 sermons on the topic of abuse. 

"Starting in January 2018, we began calling for 100 sermons against domestic and sexual violence. Sixty-five percent of pastors say they speak once a year or less about sexual and domestic violence, with 1 in 10 never addressing it at all. Every pastor should denounce this violence. We want to celebrate the churches who are speaking out against domestic and sexual violence from the pulpit. Once Sojourners collects 100 sermons, we will prominently spotlight the sermons on our website alongside resources for combatting domestic and sexual violence in faith spaces. We hope these 100 sermons will inspire hundreds of other churches to end the silence on domestic and sexual violence."

Email to nominate a sermon for this campaign and learn more here.

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-Ashley Easter