Are We Humble Enough To Be Wrong About The Bible?

The Bible is a complex compilation of past events, poetry, prophecy, proverbs, parables, and the like. Each verse is set in the context of a chapter, set in the context of a book, set in the context of the entire canon of Scripture. It is written in a specific language, to a specific people, in a distinct time period, for a particular reason.  

The Bible is not nonsensical. When you start seeing strong abusive or destructive trends coming from or surrounding a theology, it’s time to evaluate that theology. The argument isn't whether we are for the Bible or against it, but whether we have understood it correctly. To be unwilling to examine our theology, in light of the bad fruits oozing from a doctrine, is to be weighted by fear and pride.

The question is then, are we humble enough to have been wrong about the Bible?

-Ashley Easter